Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spear Fishing & Snorkeling

Well, things have definitely slowed down around here at PIC, which has allowed me to catch my breath and sort of regroup. I am in a new room now, by request, up on the third floor. No problem with the old room, its just that this new one has a view, and some really cool kids all around. So far it is working out great, having a lot of fun, putting some personal touches to the walls and what not, and the balcony is the best part. I spend tons of time just hanging out relaxing there with friends, sometimes just by myself to watch the sunset over the thick jungle below me.

This week hasn't been as crazy as some of the past weeks, but it did start out with a fist fight. No, not between someone else and I, but rather a professional bout between mixed martial arts fighters. It was my first MMA fight and boy was it intense. Guys were being thrown, kicked, punched and the crowd was LOVING it. The more hits, the more cheers, the more blood the more howls. I could  have cut the testosterone in that venue with a knife. Manly men type stuff.  It was quite the spectacle. The main reason for my attendance was because a buddy of mine out here had an extra ticket and let me tag along with him. It was a good experience. Will I be going to another one anytime soon?..probably not, unless another free ticket comes my way.

This week on my day off, a few friends and I thought we would head south to a cool little beach that our friend Halley had been to. The beaches here are all so different and beautiful that you could visit all of them and be mesmerized every time by how tranquil and unique each of them are. This beach had a sandbar that stretched out a hundred yards, with sea grass slowly waving back and forth in the current, as if a slight breeze was moving them underwater. Small rock formations would protrude here and there, some with vegetation growing on them, some barely holding on, succumbing to the slow erosion of the ocean water. Beyond the shallows were some breath taking reefs. My new room mate Nick and I decided we would try some spear fishing in these crystal clear waters, so we geared up, got our Hawaiian Slings (type of spear) and started the hunt. There weren't really a whole lot of fish in these reefs. Maybe it was our presence, or maybe we just picked a bad spot, but we couldn't catch anything for the life of us. These fish were quick and easily escaped the sharp tips of our spears. After an hour or so of failed attempts, we decided to retire back to the beach and enjoy the sun for a bit. I didn't however leave empty handed. Right before I threw in the towel I spotted an exquisite looking shell bigger than the size of my hand. So even though I failed at catching fish, I was proud of my shell. The rest of the day was spent driving around the island, stopping off at cool look out points to take pictures and just enjoy the time off.

Next week I should have quite the blog for you to read. My good buddy Justin Roy is flying in from Southern California to enjoy all of the beauty that Guam has to offer and also visit yours truly. I have some amazing things planned and can't wait till he gets here. But in the mean time, enjoy the pictures and I will write again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rubes this is beautiful wow, how are you sleeping now that you have a new roomate?


    Ahlana has 2 teeth and is starting to crawl
